Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Thank You !

We did it!!!Thanks to your support, we were able to achieve what some said was impossible. In a week's time, we were able to get the word out about my write-in campaign. On Primary Election Day, voters in the 39th Legislative District spoke up loud and clear that they want competition in the fall against the incumbent. I consider myself blessed to be surrounded by a network of people who are so determined to make a change in our region. It was through your efforts that our victory on Primary Election Day was possible. Thank you to all who helped out in any way...whether it was through door knocking, phone calls or working the polls. A special shout out to the members of Marty's Army who listened to the radio program on KDKA and were called into action and turned out to vote on Primary Election Day. And Marty...what can I gave this "girl" a chance to be heard!Stay tuned to the Blog for more information on how you can become involved. Thanks again,Monica

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